Ewu “eewoo” is for the word “goat in the Igbo language. Goat manure is perfect for garden vegetables. Since goat’s forage for their food, it is the most friendly of manures available to the village people.
Student receiving goatStudents receiving goat
The Ewu (goat) Project is the Nigerian version of the Heifer Project. You may have heard about this. FAAGRIC’s goal in this project would be to provide one female goat that could be bred and “multiplied”. The FAAGRIC participants will be expected to “pay” back the gift by giving one of the offspring back to FAAGRIC so we could continue to grow the project.
This would have a two-fold effect.
First, the participant would have a regular fertilizer source.
Secondly, goats multiply very well and they can be a good source of additional income.
It would be at the discretion of the Farm Managers in Nigeria how to administer and evaluate each perspective recipient. The cost for purchasing an African Pygmy Goat is approximately $35.00 – $40.00.
The Kabrit (goat) Project in Haiti:
The Kabrit Project version in Haiti looks a little different. The goats primary purpose would be to provide milk for the infants at the James 1:27 Village. It is a much better infant formula than the expensive commercialized formulas.
Other areas of provision would be for the beneficial manure, an occasional goat meat meal, and proper animal husbandry learning.
The cost to purchase a female goat costs $75. A baby goat costs $45. The cost to purchase an Haitian Nanny Goat is approximately $100.00.
A Goat project is underway and in the beginning planning stages. The goats will help the James 1:27 project that houses Infant Orphans. Many of these infant orphans are lactose intolerant leaving soy formula as an expensive alternative. A more affordable solution would be fresh goat’s milk, an excellent substitute closest to the infant mother’s milk.
Stage one of this project includes planting Leucaena, Chaya, Racaria, and Moringa plants for goat forage.
Stage two would involve goat pens for zero grazing. There is now housing for the goats. This housing provides for a no grazing technique for raising them and has three sections necessary to separate the buck from the kids.
Stage three consists of obtaining goats. Currently, we have a buck, pregnant mom, and a baby.
Stage three includes training on milking the goats on a rotation cycle. At three months, the kids will share the milk with the infants at the village that need it. The training on milking will begin then.
The Goat Project
Ewu “eewoo” is for the word “goat in the Igbo language. Goat manure is perfect for garden vegetables. Since goat’s forage for their food, it is the most friendly of manures available to the village people.
The Ewu (goat) Project is the Nigerian version of the Heifer Project. You may have heard about this. FAAGRIC’s goal in this project would be to provide one female goat that could be bred and “multiplied”. The FAAGRIC participants will be expected to “pay” back the gift by giving one of the offspring back to FAAGRIC so we could continue to grow the project.
This would have a two-fold effect.
It would be at the discretion of the Farm Managers in Nigeria how to administer and evaluate each perspective recipient. The cost for purchasing an African Pygmy Goat is approximately $35.00 – $40.00.
The Kabrit (goat) Project in Haiti:
The Kabrit Project version in Haiti looks a little different. The goats primary purpose would be to provide milk for the infants at the James 1:27 Village. It is a much better infant formula than the expensive commercialized formulas.
Other areas of provision would be for the beneficial manure, an occasional goat meat meal, and proper animal husbandry learning.
The cost to purchase a female goat costs $75. A baby goat costs $45. The cost to purchase an Haitian Nanny Goat is approximately $100.00.
A Goat project is underway and in the beginning planning stages. The goats will help the James 1:27 project that houses Infant Orphans. Many of these infant orphans are lactose intolerant leaving soy formula as an expensive alternative. A more affordable solution would be fresh goat’s milk, an excellent substitute closest to the infant mother’s milk.
Madras, India
Enugu, Nigeria
Les Cayes, Haiti
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